NETGIS had its quarterly meeting on July 28, 2016 at the Eastman Lodge in Kingsport, Tennessee. Â We would like to formally thank all our presenters who were at the meeting and gave amazing presentations.

NETGIS July 28 Group Photo
Sam Moffatt, GISP – Woolpert - The Changing Geospatial Landscape  — This high level presentation will discuss change that is occurring in the geospatial industry and how it is shaping our world through consolidation, SaaS and new sensors coming to market like Geiger and Photon Lidar, using the cloud, 3D Mapping, UAS and how to leverage all of this data.

Sam Moffatt & David Light

Sam Moffatt
Paul A. Mares – Lieca Geosystems Solutions  – “We’re Going Mobileâ€- Tips on how to make field data collection easy.  An overview, concerning Mobile field data collection including product updates, work flow tips and project examples.

Paul Mares
Susan Myers – ETSU Student and Tutor  –  Open Source Research Question: What is the age distribution of the population within a 25 mile radius of the Kingsport Carousel?

Susan Myers
Randal Hale – North River Geographic Systems – Integrating QGIS/Fulcrum/Postgis/ArcGIS into a Water Utility. The Brief Story of Integrating multiple softwares (some open source and some not) into water utility to lower the overall cost of maintaining and expanding their Geographic Information System. Components include QGIS and ArcGIS on the desktop, Fulcrum for Mobile Data collection, and PostGIS for the Enterprise Database.

Randal Hale
Additionally, as part of Bi-yearly required business, NETGIS elected its officers for the next two years.
David Light, GISP – President
Christopher Pape, GISP – Vice-President
Ann Howland, GISP – Secretary/Treasurer

David Light
If you missed this meeting and its presentations, don’t worry!  We have another meeting for you to attend coming soon!  Please mark your calendars to reserve a spot for Wednesday, October 12, 2016.  Please plan to bring $10 to cover for the typical pizza lunch at this meeting.  Please contact David Light if you have a presentation you want to offer.
When: Wednesday, October 12, 2016; 11:45 AM – 3:30 PM
Where: Eastman Lodge – 406 Bays Mountain Park Road Kingsport TN 37660, US – Room A1
Are you interested in attending the Eastern Tennessee Regional Users Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee? Â How about presenting at the conference? Â The Annual Eastern Tennessee Regional TNGIC Users Conference will be held on Thursday October 6 & Friday October 7, 2016 at the University of Tennessee Plant Biotech building. Â If you would like to present at this conference, please email an abstract of about 100 words for a 20 minute presentation. Â Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Additionally, next year Knoxville will be hosting the 2017 TNGIC Users Conference April 25 & 26, 2017 at the Crowne Plaza in Downtown Knoxville. Â Please make sure to watch the TNGIC website for more information as it becomes available.