The Charter of the North East Tennessee GIS Users Group
This organization shall be known as the North East Tennessee GIS Users Group (NETGIS) A Division of TNGIC
Section I: Objectives/Purpose – Our Mission
The purpose of the group is to bring together GIS/GPS users at any level in public, private, and educational sectors who are interested in geotechnology. This group will facilitate and promote open dialogue, education at all levels, public awareness, data sharing, professional growth and representation to assist its membership in their everyday jobs.
Section II: Membership
1. Membership is open to any person living, working, or having interest in the North East Tennessee and Surrounding Areas. Active membership status shall be maintained by attending at least one regularly scheduled meeting per calendar year.
2. All active members have the right to vote and hold office. Members must be present to vote and must have attended at least one regularly scheduled meeting, during the previous year, other than the day of voting/elections.
Section III: Governing Body
Part 1: Executive Committee
1. The Executive Committee shall consist of three (3) elected members that have been nominated to be candidates for election. This committee shall consist of the following officers: President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer.
2. The members of the Executive Committee will be elected by majority vote of the members of the user group at the scheduled election meeting and shall serve for a two year term. The election meeting will generally be held during the first few months of the election year. If the President is unable to fulfill the office, the Vice President will assume the position as President. If the Vice-President is unable to fulfill the President’s office, then both positions shall be elected. In the event an elected member of Executive Committee, other than the President, is unable to complete the two years, the remaining committee members will appoint a new member to serve on the Executive Committee. This newly appointed member will serve out the remainder of the two year period. Members of the Executive Committee may serve multiple terms, without limitation, if nominated and elected.
3. Members of the Executive Committee may be replaced if the member: no longer desires the position, no longer participates in GIS activities, or no longer resides in the NETGIS area.
4. Elected officers may be removed from office by a vote of at least 75% of the active members. See specially called or quarterly meeting (see Section IV).
5. Modification of rules and regulations shall be proposed by the Executive Committee at a regularly scheduled meeting and approved by a simple majority vote of the members of the Users Group in attendance. Modifications of this charter shall be attached to this document as amendments.
Part 2: Responsibilities of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee’s general responsibilities shall be to coordinate and manage the functions and activities of the User Group.
1. The responsibilities of the President shall be to coordinate and manage the functions and activities of the Executive Committee. The responsibility of the President shall also be to plan, organize and carryout all actions necessary for quarterly or special meetings; enlisting the support of any Executive Committee Member necessary. The President shall chair all NETGIS meetings.
2. The responsibilities of the Vice President shall be to assist the President and to assume the duties of the President if the President is unable to perform those duties. The responsibilities of the Vice President shall also be to keep a roll of all members including contact information and meeting attendance, and to actively seek out new potential members and solicit membership.
3. The responsibilities of the Secretary/Treasurer shall be to collect all moneys due to NETGIS and pay all NETGIS bills and fees. The Secretary/Treasurer shall also be responsible for keeping track of all bank accounts, accounts receivable, accounts payable and other accounting information. A formal report of this information shall be submitted for approval at each NETGIS meeting. The responsibilities of the Secretary/Treasurer shall also be to keep a record of all meetings and bylaws. The Secretary/Treasurer shall submit the minutes of the previous meetings to the Executive Committee for approval after each regularly scheduled meeting. The Secretary/Treasurer shall submit the Executive Committee Approved minutes, of the previous meetings, for approval by the membership at each regularly scheduled meeting. The responsibilities of the Secretary/Treasurer shall also be to prepare, organize and disseminate official NETGIS communications.
Part 3: Subcommittees
1. The Executive Committee shall appoint any subcommittee necessary to assist in the objectives of the User Group and shall dissolve it when its work is done.
2. The Executive Committee shall appoint subcommittee chairpersons and members.
Section IV: Meetings
1. Generally, there shall be quarterly meetings during the year with locations to be arranged. All members shall be notified via email. Quarterly meetings may be cancelled if there is a larger GIS/GPS related event in the general time frame of the regularly scheduled meetings. This is intended to encourage and support the attendance of the larger events. 2. Special meetings may be called by a majority of the Executive Committee. All members shall be notified via email.
Section V: Fees and Dues
1. Fees and/or dues may be required to cover expenses. Approval of any fees and/or dues shall be approved by a simple majority vote of the members present at any meeting.